See our work in before and after comparison!

90% of YesSmile patients need a maximum of 7 days for dental treatment. However, many decide to stay a few days longer and visit the impressive city of Istanbul.

No, our treatments are 100% painless because you always receive a local anesthetic. Veneers and bleaching, for example, are not painful. However, if these are combined with other treatments such as gum correction, you will also receive an anesthetic here.

For a dream smile

The treatment is individually adapted to your dental situation and your personal wishes, which is why the prices for each patient are also individual. In Turkey you pay significantly less than in Germany, Hungary or other EU countries with a higher quality and more experience of the doctors. We only offer you high-quality materials and fair prices. So that you only pay for what you get in the end, we have decided against all-inclusive prices.

For a dream smile

Yes, you can also easily finance the treatment through our partner Medkred, with a 6-month term even interest-free. In the free consultation, you will learn more about paying in installments and, if necessary, you will receive the financing application.

For a dream smile

All materials used for veneers, crowns, bridges and implants come with a 5-year guarantee, including a guarantee certificate. Of course, the durability of the materials is significantly longer, but depends heavily on your dental care, eating habits and other habits. With good care and tooth-friendly behaviour, such as little coffee and no nicotine, it can even last a lifetime.

For a dream smile

No, aftercare is uncomplicated for all treatments. You hardly have to do without anything and are immediately socially acceptable again. This allows you to enjoy your time in Istanbul during the treatment-free days. However, good dental care including cleaning the spaces between your teeth, regular visits to the dentist, removing tartar and professional teeth cleaning is important to keep your new smile for a long time.

For a dream smile